Why we are different

Some interesting facts

Our team consists of Ph.D. guru, the world’s foremost expert in seasonal trading, an experienced Series 3 trader from Wall Street, and a former CIA intelligence officer who helped design critical analytical systems.  Our associations and reach into unique data sources are vast.

Our Approach

Back test, Test, Revise, Filter

Reliable analysis and reliable predictability are difficult to achieve. Techniques for predictivity must be constantly monitored, backtested and adjusted.

Two concepts are import. First, the “feedback loop.” Data must be constantly re-inserted into the constant flow of new data to ensure that is keeps on track.

Second, “signal to noise ratio.” This means that as the data becomes crowded with noisy data, the volatility may increase or the probability of success may decrease. The proper filters are critical.

Our Goals

Minimize Risk, Maximize Profit

Minimize risk, maximize proft. It may sound trite but there is a reason that we test our methods thoroughly before exposing investment funds.

Mathematical soundness, high probability of success in our methods,  coupled with long experience in the market, reduce the risk to your investment substantially.